Plastic surgery is a field of medicine that uses specific techniques to change the shape and function of a body. The main goal of plastic surgery is to correct the record of the body and appearance. to encourage the disabled person to do plastic surgery is as severe disabled and handicapped since the effects of accidents of birth such as cracked lips, long face syndrome and others. If they do not do plastic surgery will result in the perception of their lives depressed communities. Plastic surgery also seeks to restore the disturbed body functions. Plastic surgery is commonly done by the wantia especially celebrity. Plastic surgery can be done if the disabled bring harm but seeks to do illegal beauty. Plastic surgery will give implications to those who perform plastic surgery The effect of sudden death is the effect of complications during surgery, the pain continues after surgery and remained disabled at the surgery. In my opinion, is specialized in plastic surgery to give new life to someone to change themselves to be more perfect.
2. What are the roles of parents and media about plastic surgery?
3. What the types of plastic surgery?
4. What are disadvantages of plastic surgery?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
IsLamIc PerSpectiVe AbOUt PlAsTiC sURGeRy
The purpose of creation God alteration Add Beauty: Issues changing God's creation against anyone. Islam strictly prohibits any alteration of a body part original creation made with reason to look beautiful or more beautiful than cosmetic purpose. However if it is done with the purpose of medical and disability caused by accident, it is to be done. Clearly, the goal is allowed to improve the body's organs damaged by trauma, accidents other than to restore the defects incident to the human body to normal.
Posted by mastermind at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hasnizah Hamzah
Monday, November 30, 2009
I think, plastic surgery have many disadvantage effect.For easier I divide the disadvantage into 4 field.That are medical risks, appearance cost and addiction.
Plastic surgery carries a risk of medical comlications, including death.Some of the most common risks associated with plastic surgery are infection, severe bleeding, nerve damage that may lead to numbness, tissue death (necrosis), fluid collecting around the site seroma) and bruising in the area (hematoma).Blood clots and deep vein thrombosis are also possible complications of plastik surgery.
Unsightly scarringis a possible disadvantage of plastic surgery.These scars, which are called hypertrophic scars are thick and red.they usually dont fade like most surgical scarring.Brussing and sewliling for a period of time after the surgery are often difficult ti hide, especially when the work was done in the facial area.
Many plastic surgery procedures are costly.With an expensive cost,lower body lift was the most expensive plastic surgery procedure listed.These costs are only the base cost of the procedure.
Some people become addicted to plastic surgery.Access to plastic surgeons , low self estream and body dysmorphic disorder are some of the factors that contribute to anaddiction to plastic surgery.
Posted by mastermind at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: habibah sariff
My opinion - Plastic Surgery
Posted by identity at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hafidza binti Mohd.Yusoh
My opinion - Plastic Surgery
1. What is plastic surgery?
For me, plastic surgery is referred to a new medication technology performed by a group of qualified doctor to change, restore or repair physical parts of human body to become a better look.
This technique normally involved the skin, mascular system, cranion structures, hand, extenities, breast, trunk, genatilia or cosmetic enhancement of these areas of the human body.
2. What are the roles of parents and media about plastic surgery?
The Role of Parent:
Parent play an important role in influencing children about plastic surgery. Parent should not only focus on the physical image of their children, they should also encourage and give moral support on their self interest such as educations, sports, skills or abilities.
Some parents also comment on the critical physical appearance on one of their children and starts making comparisons among siblings. Comparison of the self-confidence will affect their children. Children who affected by htis external image will encourage them to support plastic surgery.
Therefore, parent should give moral support to those who have low self-confidence. Parents should show their full love to children without favors. This will help them to increase their confidence in the process of becoming adults.
The Role of Media
Media also plays an important role in promoting a plastic surgery. Media often show images of beautiful and sexy young woman to attract male customers while a handsome male models and muscular often appear to attract female costumers. Without realizing this, will encourage readers to compare themselves with models which appear by the media.
To raise awareness about the benefit and dangers surgery, the media can display fail cases of a plastic surgery or show the surgery which was unsuccessful. Hopefully, this will give more awareness to people about what plastic surgery and thus reduce the cases of failed plastic surgery among woman in particular.
By showing the contain elements of risk that may give certain impact on external and physical health of a person, we should evaluate and strive to achieve external and internal beauty with a reasonable way.
Many young people willing to improve the physical appearance without deeply thinking what bad thing that may be incurred by undrego for a plastic surgery.
3. What the types of plastic surgery?
Plastic surgery is divided into two types which are cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery.
Cosmetic Surgery:
The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to improve the normal structured body of human kind so as to be more confident and self behavior.
There are many types of cosmetic surgery, among the famous by the consumers are Abdominoplasty, Augmentation Mammoplasty and Chemical Peel.
Abdominoplasty is referred to an operation specifically to tighten the abdominal muscle whilst Augmentation Mammoplasty is an operation purposely for breast enlargement while Chemical Peel is an operation to overcome the wrinkles on the face.
Reconstructive Surgery:
Reconstructive surgery is very useful for those who are involved or as victim of an accident, birth defect or tumor in part of the face. By doing this, can give them a chance to live as a normal person who can be accepted by the community.
4. What are disadvantages of plastic surgery?
Beside its benefit, plastic surgery is also giving negative impact to the consumers. The minimum cost to perform plastic surgery to a nose is around RM2,000.00 and that person need to undergo the same surgery at lease once during five years.
No guarantee for each operation. Surgeons have to risk making mistakes that will cause inflection. For a serious infection, that will result in death. Each operation will lead to pain for a period until six months. This means that the person will get pain extremely prolonged for a long period of time.
Bruising and bleeding is a normal phenomenon and this will become uncomfortable situation for each operation.
5. What Islamic perspective about plastic surgery?
In Islam, changing God's creation is prohibited. However, Islam allowed us to undergo for plastic surgery for several reasons. In a hadith it is stated:"From Abdullah ibn Masud (Allah be pleased with him) said: Allah curse is on those women who practice tattooing and get themselves tattooed, and those who remove hair from their faces and those who make space between their teeth artificially to beauty themselves."
One classic example is that a boy who born with crooked legs. For sure he cannot walk without undergo for an operation. Another example is a young girl who given by the great creator (Allah ) a perfect nose, undergo for a plastic surgery to change her nose one (1)cm higher than before.
Islam as the perfect religion allowed the ummah to undergo for a plastic surgery for health reason however disallowed for beautiful or cosmetic reasons.
In view of the above, fatwa have declared that all types of mutilation to one body is unlawful (haram) unless with Shariah permits to do so such as circumcision, trimming the hair from the body, cut the nail etc.
Cosmetic surgery for the purpose of beautifying is impermissible as the body given to us is the amanah, thus it is unlawful to tamper with it in anyway, however if there are genuine need, then to perform cosmetic surgery will become permissible.
Posted by identity at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Conclusion Types of Plastic Surgery
Our group talk about plastic surgery. Each members of the group will discuss various questions about the topic of plastic surgery. My part in this discussion is about types of plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery can be devided into two types, namely cosmetics surgery and reconstructive surgery. Cosmetic surgery carried out aimed at improving the body to increase the normal level of confidence the person. However, reconsructive surgery is aimed at improving body shape and function of the body is injured due to accident, illness and birth defects.
Often what I hear and see on television and newspapers are chipped or cracked palate and skull face is on of the reconstructive surgery that is carried out in Malaysia to improve the physical condition of a problem or accident. Therefore, thie surgery is very useful for them because it gives them the opportunity to lead a normal life.
Cosmetic surgery and constuctive surgery indeed contribute towards increasing self-confidence that individu. However, plastic surgery bring negative effects to individu who's undergo plastic surgery.
In my opinion, we should be thankful to Allah giving the physical and mental condition perfect. However, this expection may be given to those who have physical defect such as chipped lip and palate. This groups have reasonable to undergo reconstuctive surgery so their speech is not affected and help to improve their confidence.
Finally, I think a person who want to undergo the plastic surgery should think well before doing plastic surgery to avoid their regret in the future.
Posted by identity at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Musliha Jelani G75440
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Role of Media To Plastic Surgery
The media has a huge impact towards promote the plastic surgery. The media often show image to attract customers especially teenagers to encourage them to looking beautiful persons just like a model. The news and information about plastic surgery is everywhere, particularly on television.
Right now, we always see some reality programs do point out the pain and dangers of plastic surgery, the message that one gets from the patients is that if there is something that you don't like about your body, just walk into a plastic surgeon's office, and you will out with your problem fixed. Many parents worry about the potential influence the media may have on their children’s body image.
So, for me, media give two impact to promoting the plastic surgery to the people's. In can becoming worse or good thing impact to yhe people's.
Posted by identity at 2:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Musliha Jelani G75440
Plastic surgery has advanced at a rapid rate in an attempt to reduce people's. But, what I saw now, some forms of surgery are used for luxurius purpose and not for a sound reason. In Islam, nothing wrong about plastic surgery but also welcomes the use of plastic surgery as long as it is done in people's favor. In certain case, is usefull when to remove an unwanted tooth or finger that might appear in a person's body. So, my opinion, plastic surgery is not wrong but must use the best way to use this new technology to give new life to people's.
Posted by identity at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Musliha Jelani G75440
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
BaD eFFecT Of PlaSTiC sUrGeRY
Plastic surgery also bring negative impact to customers: --
i. Plastic operation is a method that requires a strict inspection from time to semasa.Kos nose operation, for example is a minimum of RM2, 000 and a person is required to undergo the same operation at least once in five years. Consider how much an individual need to shop for operating the nose only RM 11, 000.00.
ii. Surgery performed by experts for possible errors or specialist doctors can not be denied. Plastic surgery does not guarantee that it will bring the desired effect. Surgeons need to take the risk of making mistakes that will cause infection. If a minor infection, then treated a higher chance. However, for serious infection, can cause complications that will result in death.
iii. Cosmetic Surgery will be the likely cause pain teramat.Kesakitan longer than one day to at least six months. This means that one should resist the pain caused by plastic operation for a certain time period.
iv. Bruised and bleeding is a normal phenomenon because plastic operation or whether the reconstructive cosmetic surgery.
v. Anesthesia used for operations of plastic will also bring negative effects for consumers despite the possibility of this phenomenon is the minimum. For example, profits from anestesi used will result in the risk of heart disease, brain damage and even death. This means that a given amount anestesi not exceed
Posted by mastermind at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hasnizah Hamzah
ThE TyPe Of PlAsTiC sUrGeRy
Plastic surgery can be divided into two types:-
i. Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery aims to improve the form of normal body structures to improve confidence and self-esteem while surgery reconstrutive also seeks to improve body function and body injuries due to accident, illness and birth defects.
For example, cosmetic surgery done for conditions such as blister and scarred face, the eyebrows are not neat, and sullen face of the nozzle.
There are many types of cosmetic surgery offered by plastic surgery experts. Among the prominent among consumers is abdominoplasty (to tighten and tighten abdominal muscles), Augmentation Mammoplasty (breast enlargement) and Chemical Peel (to overcome the wrinkles on the face). Chipped or cracked. Sumbing problems or cracks palate, lips and face skull surgery is the most rekonstruktif surgery carried out in Malaysia. Plastic surgery not only popular among women but also men.
ii. Surgery reconstructive
Reconstructive surgery is especially useful for victims of accidents, birth defects and tumors in the face.
It will give them a chance to lead a normal life without low regarded by the public. This will also give them a chance to socialize and accepted by the community.
Posted by mastermind at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hasnizah Hamzah
Definition of Plastic Surgery…
Plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgery refers to a variety of operations performed in order to repair or restore body parts to look normal, or to change a body part to look better. These types of surgery are highly specialized. They are characterized by careful preparation of a person's skin and tissues, by precise cutting and suturing techniques, and by care taken to minimize scarring. Recent advances in the development of miniaturized instruments, new materials for artificial limbs and body parts, and improved surgical techniques have expanded the range of plastic surgery procedures that can be performed.
The types of Plastic Surgery…
Although these three types of surgery share some common techniques and approaches, they have somewhat different emphases. Plastic surgery is usually performed to treat birth defects and to remove skin blemishes such as warts, acne scars, or birthmarks. Cosmetic surgery procedures are performed to make persons look younger or enhance their appearance in other ways. Reconstructive surgery is used to reattach body parts severed in combat or accidents, to perform skin grafts after severe burns, or to reconstruct parts of person's body that were missing at birth or removed by surgery. Reconstructive surgery is the oldest form of plastic surgery, having developed out of the need to treat wounded soldiers in wartime.
Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery…
Preparation for plastic surgery includes the surgeon's detailed assessment of the parts of an individual's body that will be involved. Skin grafts require evaluating suitable areas of skin for the right color and texture to match the skin at the graft site. Face lifts and cosmetic surgery in the eye area require very close attention to the texture of the skin and the placement of surgical cuts (incisions).
Persons scheduled for plastic surgery under general anesthesia will be given a physical examination, blood and urine tests, and other tests to make sure that they do not have any previously undetected health problems or blood clotting disorders. The surgeon will check the list of prescription medications that the prospective patient may be taking to make sure that none of them will interfere with normal blood clotting or interact with the anesthetic.
Individuals are asked to avoid using aspirin or medications containing aspirin for a week to two weeks before surgery, because these drugs lengthen the time of blood clotting. Smokers are asked to stop smoking two weeks before surgery because smoking interferes with the healing process. For some types of plastic surgery, individuals may be asked to donate several units of their own blood before the procedure, in case a transfusion is needed during the operation. The prospective patient will be asked to sign a consent form before the operation.
Medical aftercare following plastic surgery under general anesthesia includes bringing patients to a recovery room, monitoring their vital signs, and giving medications to relieve pain as necessary. Persons who have had fat removed from the abdomen may be kept in bed for as long as two weeks. Individuals who have had mammoplasties, breast reconstruction, and some types of facial surgery typically remain in the hospital for a week after the operation. Those who have had liposuction or eyelid surgery are usually sent home in a day or two.
People who have had outpatient procedures are usually given antibiotics to prevent infection and are sent home as soon as their vital signs are normal.
Plastic surgery from Islamic perspective…
Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery for the purpose of beautifying oneself is also (in the light of the above) impermissible. The body given to us by our creator is a trust (amanah), thus it is unlawful to tamper with it in any way. If one does so, then he will be committing the sin of ‘changing the nature created by Allah (taghyeer khalq Allah).
However, if there is a genuine need, as in a particular organ of the body is severely deformed, e.g. the nose is damaged or a child is born with six fingers, etc…, then to perform cosmetic surgery will become permissible.
Imam Abu Dawud, Imam Nasa’i and Imam Tirmizi (Allah have mercy on them) relate in their respective Sunan collections, that a Companion (sahabi) by the name of Arfajah ibn Aswad (Allah be pleased with him) had his nose damaged in the battle of kulab. He replaced it first with silver, and then with a nose made of gold, with the order and consent of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
It is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya: “If one intends to cut off an extra finger, it will be permissible as long as there is no fear of perishing. (4 /114).
It should be also remarked here, that if cosmetic surgery was carried out due to a genuine reason, then the ablution (wudu) and obligatory bath (ghusl) will be valid by letting the water flow on the surgical area, even though the water does not reach the actual body (See: Radd al-Muhtar, 1/104).
In conclusion, cosmetic and plastic surgery for the purpose of beautifying and adornment is impermissible. However, if there is a genuine need due to something abnormal, then there is a dispensation of permissibility.
And Allah knows best
by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari of the Hanafi fiqh
written by: husna hayati bt md shahir (G75371)
Posted by identity at 6:47 AM 0 comments
The Plastic Surgery, contain advantage and disadvantage.From my view, plastic surgery can helps us to save life, repair the flaw cause by damages and so on.But, today many people use plastic surgery to become pretty.So, i think we should think rationally before taking the unright option, especially about something that related to our life.
Posted by identity at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: habibah sariff
Islamic Perspective Of Plastic Surgery
From islamic perspective Plastik surgery is to change the original occurrence created by Allah. Islam prohibit muslims to taking the plastic surgery as the fastest way to looking good.But, it allowed to save our life or repair the flaw.
Posted by identity at 5:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: habibah sariff
Monday, November 2, 2009
ThE RoLe oF ParEnts AnD mEdIa AbOuT pLaStIc SuRgeRy
The Role Of Parents...
Parents play an important role in influencing children about plastic operations. Some parents focus primarily on the excessive physical image of children and make critical comparisons between children. Comparison of confidence will affect the result children.Then children affected by the external image of a concept that is very important and this will encourage them to support plastic surgery even though they are normal.Therefore, parents should give moral support to those who have low self-confidence.
Parents should be full of love to the children without favoritism. This will help increase their confidence in the process of becoming adults.
The Role Of Media
The media also plays an important role in promoting plastic surgery. Most of the time, the media often show images of beautiful young women and sexy.For attract customers, the model handsome and muscular men who often appear. Realized without this will encourage readers to compare themselves with models shown by the media.
To raise awareness of the more rational among readers about the benefits and dangers surgery, the media can actually play their role with display cases of plastic surgery and not only failed to show that surgery was successful. This will give a more realistic awareness to people about what plastic surgery and thus reduce the cases of failed plastic surgery among women in particular.
Posted by mastermind at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hasnizah Hamzah
DeFiNiTiOn Of PlaStIc SuRgerY
Plastic surgery is a field that uses specific techniques to change the look and function of the body by using a synthetic polymer plastic material. Plastic surgery typically involves the formation of the mold body tissues.
Defects that lead to plastic surgery is an example of the effects of severe disability or accident disability since birth. Besides plastic surgery is also aimed at restoring the body functions disturbed in other words change to look beautiful.
Posted by mastermind at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hasnizah Hamzah
Question 1
The concept required by the legislation is to close good as embarrassment or complete disability that can make a person feel isolated. The material used to process it does not contain material that could interfere with faeces or worship.
Plastic surgery can be divided into two types namely surgery and cosmetic surgery reconstructive.
Cosmetic surgery aims to improve the form of normal body structures to improve confidence and self-esteem while surgery reconstructive also seeks to improve body function and body injuries due to accident, illness and birth defects. For example, surgery performed reconstructive for conditions such as blister and scarred face, the eyebrows are not neat and sullen face of the nozzle.
Posted by mastermind at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hafidza binti Mohd.Yusoh
Parents role to plastic surgery
Parents should play role to give information about plastic surgery to children.As a parents we must listen to our children view.
To make children not too concern about to look perfect we can comment on celebrities or models that look anorexic or unhealthy.Don’t let our children think that this looks good or that this is beauty.
By commenting, we are instilling a more mature and balanced set of values into our child mind. This will enable them to assess what they see in magazines and television.More importantly this opens up a channel of communication between you and your child to discuss about their feelings.
It’s not unusual for pre-teens and teens to be uncomfortable with their bodies and the changes that are occurring. They need our support as parents…our understanding of what’s happening to them and the reassurance that these awkward feelings will not last forever.Try to communicate and advice our children to become her or himself.
Our knowledge, strength and conviction should allow our children to become comfortable with themselves and not to look at Plastic Surgery, or anything else, as a quick-fix for their insecurities or feelings. Parents need to let their children learn that inner strength is the key to a happy and successful life.
Ultimately parents control the purse strings.Don’t pay for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery if you don’t agree with them having the procedure.Remind them that are many ways they can take to become beautiful and nice.For example by good eating habit will result on healthy and pretty look.
So, my conclusion is parents guidence is important to give information and support about inner beauty is crucial then outside beauty.We should aware about negative impact of plastic surgery.
Posted by identity at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: habibah sariff
media role to plastic surgery
I think, media has a huge impact toward promoting the plastic surgery.They perceive the beauty and what’s attractive.Magazine covers always show anorexic celebrities or models and everyone is drop dead gorgeous.
It makes our children think that this is all real and unfortunately common.Neither of which is true. Teens see perfect people in magazines, movies and TV and don't realize these are not real situations.They start to demand of perfect body and looks.Plastic surgery is an option for them to get beauty easily.This is because media sometimes broadcast about plastic surgery speciality.
The impact of the media on our children and how they see themselves can not be denied.Media use interesting technic to present their program.For example they present about plastic surgery exclusively either in magazine or TV.This effort is to attract people to watch the program or to read the article about plastic surgery.
Mass media use nice picture and assure explanation about plastic surgery.Media shows perfect models that have beautiful body shape and smooth skin indirectly makes public especially children and teen influenced or desperately want to look perfect.
So I think media give many information about plastic surgery direct or indirectly that can make people interested to look nice.
Posted by identity at 4:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: habibah sariff
definition of plastik surgery
From my opinion, Plastic surgery means a medical speciality concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function.Plastic surgery divided two main fields.That are body modification and reconstructive surgery.
The word "plastic" derives from the Greek language plastikos meaning to mold or to shape; its use here is not connected with the synthetic polymer material known as plastic.
Posted by identity at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: habibah sariff
my self...
my name is Habibah bt Sariff and u can call me bib...
I am 30 years old and working as a clerk at SK Sinar Bahagia, Kulai...
actually I futher my study to gain knowledge and getting expireance ...
also to chase my ambition..hehehe...
i am already get married since 2 years ago and my husband's name Sudin...
thats all i want to say about me ...
lets chat with me to talk about plastik sugery..
Posted by identity at 4:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: bib
1. What is the definition of plastic surgery?
Plastic surgery is a medical speciality concerned with correction or restoration of form and
function. Plastic surgery also include two main field, they is body modification or cosmetic and reconstuctive surgery. The field of surgery concerned with reducing scarring of disfigurement that may occur or treatment for disease such as melanoma. Melanoma is type of skin cancer. For me, plastic surgery is a medical special to give new life for somebody to change their self to be a perfect person.
2. What are the role of parents plastic surgery?
Role of Parents
Parents play an important role in influecing children about plastic surgery. Children always tell that they feeling worse about they self. Actually, they not confidence in they self.
As a parents, parents must do something to make their children not too concern to look perfect and don't let they think taht plastic is the best way to look beuatiful.
Parents should be full of love to they children. This will help increase their confidence in the process of becoming adults. Also that, parents influecing can make children happy with their self.
3. What the types of plastic surgery?
The most prevalent : -
Blepharoplasty : Surgery of the eyelids. This procedure can correct droopy eyelids that can make you look older and impair your vision.
Abdominoplasty :
To reshaping and firming of abdomen.
Cryolipolysis :
Experimental treatment in which subcutantneous fat cells are induced into apoptosis by means of suction cup isolation.
Forehead lifts :
Often the first signs of aging begin to appear in the brow and forehead area due to the effects of sun, wind and the pull of gravity.
Mentoplasty :
surgery of the chin. A well-defined chin can have a dramatic effect on one's profile and is often combined with Rhinoplasty, or surgery of the nose, to create facial balance.
Otoplasty :
surgery of the ears. Redefining one's ears can have a powerful effect on self-consciousness and self esteem. Both children and adults can benefit from this relatively straightforward facial plastic surgery technique.
Rhinoplasty :
urgery of the nose. One of the most common requests for facial plastic surgery starts with a request for the nose.
Rhytidectomy :
surgery of the face. Aging is inevitable. As the years go by, the effects of aging begin to appear on the face and neck, including crow's feet near the corner of the eyes, forehead lines, and folds around the chin and front neck area.
4. What the disadvantage of plastic surgery?
For me,plastic surgery is a way to regain a normal appearance after an accident. But for some people,
plastic surgery is a way to correct perceived cosmetic flaws.
Medical Risks
Plastic surgery, like any surgery, carries a risk of medical complications, including death. Some of the most common risks associated with plastic surgery are infection, severe bleeding, nerve damage that may lead to numbness, tissue death (necrosis), fluid collecting around the site (seroma) and bruising in the area (hematoma).
Unsightly scarring is a possible disadvantage of plastic surgery. These scars, which are called hypertrophic scars, are thick and red. They usually don't fade like most surgical scarring. Bruising and swelling for a period of time after the surgery are often difficult to hide, especially when the work was done in the facial area. Ptosis, or drooping and sagging in the surgical area, are also possible disadvantages. Additionally, some patients find the results of the procedure aren't what they expected.
Many plastic surgery procedures are costly. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, as of 2008. These costs are only the base cost of the procedure. Surgeon fees, hospital fees and anesthesia fees, along with lost wages, medication costs and after care costs must also be factored in when considering the cost of plastic surgery.
5. Can you explain plastic surgery from Islamic perspective.
There is nothing with plastic surgery if it used to treat a deformed organ where the operation will offer a better quality of life. However, the plastic surgery is not permissible if it used for the purpose of beutification and altering the creation of Allah.
Plastic surgery in Islam is concernd that there are two main kinds of plastic surgery, and they are :-
1. Medical treatment
This kind of plastic surgery is used for medical treatment, mainly to alleviate the suffering of the person. For example, there is nothing wrong with the use of plastic surgery in skin grafting, suturing a hallow wound and bone-setting. It is form of co-operation in what is good and preventing harm that a person may face due to deformity in his physical and ouutward appearance.
2. Cosmetic surgery
This kind is cosmetic surgery that normally used to change the Creation of Allah in an attempt to look more beautiful such as breast largement or reducing. Other that, plastic surgery also for face-lifts, spacing between teeth and also reducing the size of lips and nose. This kind of surgery is not permitted in Islam because they alter the Creation of Allah.
Posted by identity at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Musliha Jelani G75440
Friday, October 30, 2009
About Me...
Assalamualaikum and hello to everyone.
My name is Hafidza Binti Mohd.Yusoh.40 years of age.
Married with Dzulkiffli Md.Jaafar and have three lovely kids... Siti Dzulaikha,Muhammad Dzulkhusni and Siti Dzuliana.
Presently, I'm working at Sek.Keb.Taman Muhibah, Saleng, Senai, Johor.
During my free time, I would like to decorate my own house.
Bye and have a goodlife.
Below are pictures example of plastic surgery:
Posted by identity at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Plastic Surgery
The Concept of Plastic Surgery
Required by the legislation is to close good as embarrassment or complete disability that can make a person feel isolated. As long as the material used to process it does not contain material that could interfere with faeces or worship.
Plastic surgery can be divided into two types namely surgery and cosmetic surgery rekonstruktif. Cosmetic surgery aims to improve the form of normal body structures to improve confidence and self-esteem while surgery rekonstruktif also seeks to improve body function and body injuries due to accident, illness and birth defects. For example, surgery performed rekonstruktif for conditions such as blister and scarred face, the eyebrows are not neat, and sullen face of the nozzle.
Deputy Health Minister, Datuk Abdul Latiff Ahmad said in a statement last year, said during the last four years, demand for cosmetic and plastic surgery around the world have recorded a sharp increase of 280 percent and our country Malaysia is also not exempt.
According to him, the government will introduce a new act in addition amend the existing act to protect. The interests of consumers who undergo plastic surgery either or medical or beauty. Reported protection following the increasing importance of the claim themselves as cosmetic and plastic surgeons as a result of community demand.
There are many types of cosmetic surgery offered by plastic surgery experts. Among the prominent among consumers is Abdominodasty (to tighten abdominal muscles), Augmentation Mammoplasty (breast enlargement) and Chemical Peel (to overcome the wrinkles on the face).
Chipped or Cracked
Chipped problems or cracks palate, lips and face skull surgery is the most rekonstruktif surgery carried out in Malaysia. Plastic surgery not only popular among women but also men.
Cosmetic surgery and rekonstruktif indeed contribute to increased confidence and self-esteam individuals, especially among women.
Normal individuals who undergo plastic surgery is usually intended to enhance self-image and thus increase their confidence and self-esteem.
Some of them choose to carry out plastic surgery merely to be part of partners in addition to improving interactions.
Besides, there is between those who choose to carry out surgery because employment opportunities in the market generally focuses on those who have a beautiful look and body shape.
As a result many young people willing to spend a lot of money to improve the image with the hope that an attractive appearance can enchance employment opportunities.
Rekonstruktif surgery is especially useful for victims of accident, birth defects and tumors in the face.
It will give them a chance to lead a normal life without low regarded by the public. This will also give them chance to socialize and accepted by the community.
Besides its benefits, plastic surgery also bring negative effects to consumers. Plastic surgery is a method that requires a rigorous examination from time to time.
The minimum cost of a surgery such as nose is RM 2,000 and a person is required to undergo the same surgery at least once during the year five.
Imagine how much an individual need to shop for nose surgery only!
Surgery carried out by experts. Therefore, the possibility for error doctor or specialist can not be denied.
Plastic surgery does not guarantee that it will bring the desired effect. Surgeons have to risk making mistakes that will cause infection. If the infection is minor, then treated a higher chance. However, for a serious infection, may cause complications that will result in death.
Cosmetic surgery in reality will lead to pain and pain is extremely prolonged period from one day to at least six months. This means that a person had to withstand the pain of plastic surgery for a certain period of time.
Buising and bleeding is a normal phenomenon due to plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery whether rekonstruktif.
Anesthesia used during surgery plastic will also bring negative effects to the user even in the minimum possible phenomenon. For example, the advantages of anesthesia used will result in the risk of heart disease, brain damage and even death. This means that the amount of anesthesia given can not exceed certain limits.
Role of Parents, Media
Parents play an important role in influencing children about plastic surgery. Some parents give excessive focus especially on the physical image of his son.
Is between those who comment on the critical physical appearance and make comparisons among siblings. Comparison of the self-confidence will affect their children.
This will result in children affected by the external image of a concept that is very important and this will encourage them to support plastic surgery even though they are normal. Therefore, parents should give moral support to those who have low self-confidence. Parents should be full of love to children. Children without favoritism. This will help increase their confidence in the process of becoming adults.
The media also plays an important role in promoting plastic surgery. Most of the time, the media often show images of beautiful young women who have a body ramping , sexy.
By attracting male customers, a handsome male models and muscular often appear. Realized without this will encourage readers to compare themselves with models shown by the media.
To raise awareness of the more rational among readers about the benefits and dangers surgery, the media can actually play their role with display cases of plastic surgery and not only failed to show that surgery was successful.
This will give a more realistic awareness to people about what plastic surgery and thus reduce the cases of failed plastic surgery among women in particular. Despite how easily some plastic surgery , procedures still contain elements of risk that may give certain impact on external and physical health of a person. We should evaluate and strive to achieve external and internal beauty with a reasonable way. Many young people willing to improve the physical appearance of the ones without thiking deeply what bad then that may be incurred.
The fact that the conversion will not change the external image of the internal character of a person. We should be thankful to God for blessing that we bless with physical and mental health. Why is a person who is healty and normal choose to undergo cosmetic surgery solely to improve self-image? Were not there many other ways that can increase the attractiveness and self-confidence?
For example how to improve speaking , prioritize values MORAL and diligent study in order to produce attractive and enduring personality. However, those who have physical defects such as chipped lip and palate indeed have reasonable grounds to undergo surgery to rekonstruktif speech function is not affected and help to improve the external image.
A person must not choose to undergo plastic surgery on the grounds that most people choose plastic surgery and why they should be excluded.
This is the reason most are not reasonable to spend that much money because according to the trend or the flow of time.
As plastic surgery and also contributed bring various risks, each individual should make a wise decision whether to undergo surgery or otherwise.
A comprehensive and intelligent consideration must be taken by each individual to avoid any regret in the future.
Posted by identity at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Husna Hayati
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bad effect of plastic surgery
When people think about having plastic surgery procedures, they think about how beautiful they will look once they have healed. They anticipate how much better their life will be when they have finally had the rhinoplasty or breast augmentation that they had been dreaming about, but did you know that many cosmetic surgeries have "undesirable outcomes?" An undesirable outcome in plastic surgery is when something goes wrong, and your results are not perfect. Perhaps too much collagen was used and the look is unnatural. Since every body is different, cosmetic surgery is simply not an exact science. 40% of all rhinoplasty surgeries are corrective surgical procedures that are needed to fix the undesirable outcome. Does this mean that your surgery will have a bad effect? Not necessarily, but you will want to do all that is in your power to avoid that from happening to you. First of all, make sure that your surgeon is board certified as a plastic surgeon. A doctor who is board certified as a podiatrist has no business performing plastic surgeries, so make sure you do your research when it comes to selecting a qualified surgeon. Surgeons become board certified when they have had more than six years of surgical training and experience. Make sure that you follow your doctor's post-surgical instructions. If your surgeon tells you that you cannot get out of bed for the three days following your surgery, then listen to him. Not heeding your surgeon's advice can cause you not to heal properly leaving you with puckered skin or some other undesirable outcome. Even if everything goes well after your plastic surgery, you may still have bad effects later on. As time passes, your body changes. You age too, so you will still have lines and wrinkles. Breast implants can get misshapen or lumpy, and they do not last forever and will need to be replaced at some point.
Posted by mastermind at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hasnizah Hamzah
What is Plastic surgery..?
Just because the name includes the word "plastic" doesn't mean patients who have this surgery end up with a face full of fake stuff. The name isn't taken from the synthetic substance but from the Greek word plastikos, which means to form or mold (and which gives the material plastic its name as well). Plastic surgery is a special type of surgery that can involve both a person's appearance and ability to function. Plastic surgeons strive to improve patients' appearance and self-image through both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures.
Posted by mastermind at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hasnizah Hamzah
Monday, October 26, 2009
My Self....
Assalamualaikum to everyone...
Hi..My name is Musliha bt Jelani. I'm 27 years old. My birthday is on month of August in 1982.
I live at Kampung Tanjung Selabu, Bukit Pasir, Muar, Johor.. I'm single but not available...hehehehe.... because I have a handsome and caring fiencee.. In our planning we married next year..InsyaAllah...
Now, I working at SK Sri Bukit Pasir as a teacher. I like my job because this job is interesting and make me a good person and intelectual person to build other persons..
My hobbies is, that why i'm chubby..hehehe....other that I like to reading a novels and also like go to holiday with my family...
I like to chatting and to be a friends with anyone...i'm enjoyable, funny, talkative, always laughing and some time i'm a straight person..but..i'm flecsibel person...
I have a good friends in PJJ program...they are Hasnizah, Habibah and Husna..a
happening ' Triple H '...hehehe..except me...huhuhu...
Group Discussing
My group is discussing about PLASTIC SURGERY.... it's a interesting topic to discuss..right now, we always hear, read and see about plastic surgery..some time it can give benefit to peole but some time it can be a dangerous to the people... so, hope all of you enjoying when you read our topic...a PLASTIC SURGERY....
Posted by identity at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
My Profiles-hUsNa HayAtI
Posted by identity at 4:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My Self - Hasnizah
Assalamualaikum.. hello everyone.. My name Hasnizah Hamzah. Just call me Has@Ekin.. now i'm stay in Kulaijaya.. I'm 27 years old.. I've a lovely husband named Azarizan and a chubby daughter.. Her name is Aufa Huwaida..
I am a teacher. Teaching in SK Sinar Bahagia. I teach pre-school pupils. I have been in school for 4 years and this is the place where I met mate.
In spare time I love to read novels. Now a collection of my novel almost a hundred units. Another hobby is watching the story of Korea.
I further study to degree level to increase knowledge and change my family's standard of living. I also hope one day I will extend the study to a higher level of knowledge because it is very important and precious value.
Posted by mastermind at 6:36 AM 0 comments