1. What is the definition of plastic surgery?
2. What are the roles of parents and media about plastic surgery?
3. What the types of plastic surgery?
4. What are disadvantages of plastic surgery?
5. What islamic perspective about plastic surgery

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

BaD eFFecT Of PlaSTiC sUrGeRY

Plastic surgery also bring negative impact to customers: --

i. Plastic operation is a method that requires a strict inspection from time to semasa.Kos nose operation, for example is a minimum of RM2, 000 and a person is required to undergo the same operation at least once in five years. Consider how much an individual need to shop for operating the nose only RM 11, 000.00.

ii. Surgery performed by experts for possible errors or specialist doctors can not be denied. Plastic surgery does not guarantee that it will bring the desired effect. Surgeons need to take the risk of making mistakes that will cause infection. If a minor infection, then treated a higher chance. However, for serious infection, can cause complications that will result in death.

iii. Cosmetic Surgery will be the likely cause pain teramat.Kesakitan longer than one day to at least six months. This means that one should resist the pain caused by plastic operation for a certain time period.

iv. Bruised and bleeding is a normal phenomenon because plastic operation or whether the reconstructive cosmetic surgery.

v. Anesthesia used for operations of plastic will also bring negative effects for consumers despite the possibility of this phenomenon is the minimum. For example, profits from anestesi used will result in the risk of heart disease, brain damage and even death. This means that a given amount anestesi not exceed