1. What is the definition of plastic surgery?
2. What are the roles of parents and media about plastic surgery?
3. What the types of plastic surgery?
4. What are disadvantages of plastic surgery?
5. What islamic perspective about plastic surgery

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ThE TyPe Of PlAsTiC sUrGeRy

Plastic surgery can be divided into two types:-
i. Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery aims to improve the form of normal body structures to improve confidence and self-esteem while surgery reconstrutive also seeks to improve body function and body injuries due to accident, illness and birth defects.
For example, cosmetic surgery done for conditions such as blister and scarred face, the eyebrows are not neat, and sullen face of the nozzle.
There are many types of cosmetic surgery offered by plastic surgery experts. Among the prominent among consumers is abdominoplasty (to tighten and tighten abdominal muscles), Augmentation Mammoplasty (breast enlargement) and Chemical Peel (to overcome the wrinkles on the face). Chipped or cracked. Sumbing problems or cracks palate, lips and face skull surgery is the most rekonstruktif surgery carried out in Malaysia. Plastic surgery not only popular among women but also men.

ii. Surgery reconstructive
Reconstructive surgery is especially useful for victims of accidents, birth defects and tumors in the face.
It will give them a chance to lead a normal life without low regarded by the public. This will also give them a chance to socialize and accepted by the community.